Monday, March 15, 2010

Talk is cheap, take it with a pinch of salt.

No favoritism whatsoever...I'm glad Singapore has a media blogger like Pujangga Malam. It's little wonder why Siti Nurhaliza survive this long in the media industry - she's smart (she has a business empire with latest skincare products, Simply Siti) and most importantly, she's strong-willed unlike other artistes who come and go.

Wait no up PM's thought-provoking post.
Truly engaging. Brutally honest but in a good way.

Let's stay true to ourselves.
Ask what we CAN achieve and not what we CAN'T.

And STOP BLAMING others, will you?
You know who YOU are.

Seen here...Pujangga Malam in blue.


  1. I dunno whether to feel honoured or embarrassed. Nothing special abt my entry lah sis. But thank you for saying nice things about the entry. You're too kind... :)

  2. PM...Speaking from the heart :) And yes Missy Mai, awesome post from PM!
