Thursday, December 10, 2009

Morning Sickness Can Make Your Child Smarter: Study - CityNews

Expectant mothers who experience morning sickness may not be suffering in vain.

A new study out of the Hospital for Sick Children has found the nausea and vomiting that plague some 80 per cent of pregnant women may actually result in a smarter child.

"Our findings suggest an association between [nausea and vomiting of pregnancy or NVP] and improved neurodevelopment in the offspring," noted Dr. Irena Nulman, lead author of the study. "NVP is a widespread and puzzling physiological phenomenon that has yet to be sufficiently studied."

The research shows children of women with morning sickness scored higher on IQ, verbal, phonics and memory tests. In fact, the more severe the symptoms were, the higher the scores. Not surprisingly, maternal IQ also played a role.

That's good news for mom-to-be Jennifer Rubenstein, who's been suffering from the ailment. "In the beginning I was sick about anywhere from 10 to 15 times a day," she recalls. And even at five and half months along, she's not done yet. "It hasn't just been morning. It has been morning, afternoon and night."

If the research is right, she may be giving birth to a future Einstein.

"It does seem that the "puke-iness" is going with better hormonal levels," suggests Dr. Gideon Koren of Motherisk. Better hormone levels equal a healthier placenta. For years, doctors have known that morning sickness helps prevent miscarriage and heart defects in babies.

"The fact that you suffer may have a prize at the end of the road," notes Dr. Koren.

Previous studies have suggested an early protective benefit, but this is the first time the long-term effects, including intelligence and cognitive skills, have been examined.

Source: Morning Sickness Can Make Your Child Smarter: Study - CityNews

This is my own pix which I tweet-ed last week.
Thanks Azlina for the info!

And to Baby A, you make me so proud of you already. I'm sorry to have complained too much in my previous entry. I'm sorry to let my emotions change my positive outlook towards life. I promise to eat and drink right so that you can get all the nutritions you need.

Mummy and Daddy love you so much and we can't wait to see you on the 23rd! We collect pictures of your teeny-weeny developments and we're glad that you're doing so well inside. Happy swimming, baby! Don't kick me too much though. :p

1 comment:

  1. and Insyaallah, baby A, semoga dirimu menjadi anak yang menyenangkan dan membahagiakan hati ibu bapamu. :)
