Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Terang Hati

I’ve blogged about this before. Balancing ever-changing priorities is no joke especially when I have to balance my time, my job, my studies and my marriage. The thought of ‘balancing it all’ just makes me mentally exhausted. So yesterday, I deleted my other priorities and concentrated on my exam paper and nothing more.

I switched off my phone in the morning. I tweeted less via my mobile phone. And to my surprise, I fulfilled the promise I’ve made – to answer all of the exam questions within the stipulated 2.5 hours.

I’m thankful to God for I have parents, my own and my in-laws, as well as a doting husband who are always there for me, praying that I do well.

I can't wait to graduate, just like my husband did from his work course.

Here's a photo taken during his graduation at Marina Mandarin with his close buddies from ST...most of whom are currently in Alabama for 4-month working stints.

Thank you Fazlan, for making THE BIG sacrifice and missing THE WORK opportunity just for me and baby. I will make you proud, Daddy!

This I promise you...

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